Vandaeh Works

Love Your Currency Article

I was looking at one of the new UK £5 notes the other day and couldn't help myself as I was affected by the serious images and quotes on the note, which reminded me of some of the different ideas about abundance I have shared in my work as a "Revolutionary working with the Power of Love". Here are some of my experiences to help you think a little deeper about taking an ascended view on the frequency of our currencies in life.

One of the first Feng Shui lectures I attended when I was studying for my Diploma was titled "Feng Shui and Abundance". Listening to the ideas given were a catalyst for me to begin to change my past conditioning and embrace a level of freedom that I had never considered, by helping me to listen to my thoughts and words and realise that everything around me was a mirror to the inner me. As I changed myself from the inside out I realised what a massive gift that day became, as in due course I have been able to share and magnify some of these ideas to those who have been drawn to work with me.

At one of my lectures about "Abundance" I had a half hour slot, and was very intrigued as a 12 year old boy sat on the front row and gave me his focused undivided attention for half an hour, then immediately ran off. Within 10 minutes he ran back up to me with a screwed up £10 note saying "Look what I found!". "Where did you find that" I replied, and he told me he had been looking for money in the car park and found it! "WOW" says I "go and find some more?". A while later he came back with a £5 note, then a couple of £1 coins, and some smaller currency. Maybe as his powerful thoughts and inspiration faded the amounts became smaller, who knows? However I do find working with young people very inspirational as their levels of self belief can be amazing. I remember telling stories I had heard. One of money falling from the sky, and another of a person who was going through a very hard time in his life. He was living in a basement with very little money to exist on. One day he decided to leave any small change on the railings to his living accommodation before he went home everyday. He began to get great pleasure from the school children racing to the railings to see who could get the coins first. It was only when he changed himself and began to become happier from the inside out that his life began to change as firstly he received a rebate, then he was offered some work, and gradually his whole circumstance changed.

At another lecture on the same subject I suggested using this affirmation if you would like to invite abundance into your life: "I'm a cash magnet living in the fountain of wealth with a millionaire mind". I also mentioned that one evening I met a lady who recommended I fold my money notes in 3 equal sections, folding the left into the right and the right into the left. She said it already looks more, you've captured energy and you’ll always have money in your purse or wallet. At the end of this lecture I went into the corridor and I was amazed to see a gentleman folding all his notes in this way (see photo), which really made my Heart sing and made me smile.

Any paper currency I receive I ceremoniously fold it into 3 sections, then hold it between the palms of my hands in a prayer position with intention and thoughts of "LOVE" and ask that there is plenty for everyone, that's you, me and the starving of the world too.

Also I used to do a weekly workshop for a group of ladies who were experiencing a difficult period in their lives, and one morning I decided to speak on the same subject. I used to help them recognise their individual strengths, gifts and talents, and one of these ladies was a wonderful artist who loved to draw. She had limited resources yet loads of time. We were talking about the different currencies of the world and I seeded an idea of; "What if we designed a currency that overflowed with lucky and positive energy?". This young lady thought about these ideas and the next week I was overjoyed at what she had come up with as you can see from these drawings. I went home and made some smaller copies and gave each lady one as food for thought the following week.

If you are any of these lovely people I have spoken about, and I'm sure you know who you are, I trust you are well and enjoying an abundance of "Love and Happiness" in your life, as this is our real level of wealth and abundance.

We can do ourselves the biggest favour by choosing to move into abundance consciousness. The book that changed my life as I was moving through this process is called "Creating Money - Keys to Abundance" by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, which I have recommended many times. I see the real message in this book is to encourage yourself to rise up to the potential of your Soul and do whatever you were born to do in this life.

Our currencies give us a freedom of choice to embrace comfort, stability and security in life, and fun experiences too. Whatever I spend my money currency on I bless and give with grace, gratitude, thanks and love. There is also a bigger and deeper currency of "Love and Kindness", as whatever you give with love comes back to you in unlimited ways, and your smile is your most priceless exchange. I trust these ideas will help you in life and as always wish you abundance in all that you do, along with unlimited levels of love, happiness, fun and pleasure. Live life, love it, be love, love all.
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